Liposuction for the Body
Liposuction is a surgical procedure to remove deposits of subcutaneous fat from specific areas of the body such as the thighs, hips, abdomen, buttocks, knees, upper arms, neck and chin.
There have been many advances in liposuction procedures over the past few decades, making it one of the most predictable and popular body contouring surgeries in the world. The techniques of liposuction have evolved to become less invasive, involve less patient downtime and create more precise results.
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At a Glance
Permanently remove exercise resistant fat deposits with a tube and vacuum device. Can be performed on most parts of the body.
The procedure typically requires 1–2 hours or more however, each patient has varying circumstances therefore, the duration may vary.
Although an overwhelming majority are performed on an outpatient basis, some extensive Liposuction procedures may require a brief hospital stay.
Side Effects
Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness, soreness, burning sensation. Temporary fluid drainage from incision sites.
Asymmetry. Rippling or bagginess of skin. Pigmentation changes. Skin injury. Fluid retention. Excessive fluid loss leading to shock. Infection. To read more about surgical risks please ‘click here’.
Back to work 1— 2 weeks. More strenuous activity: 2—4 weeks. Full recovery from swelling and bruising: 1—5 months or more.
The modern approach to liposuction involves tailoring the procedure to each patient’s individual requirements and goals.
Liposuction FAQs
Liposuction (also known as lipoplasty) is a procedure which involves the removal of excess fat from under your skin. Most often, this is done in the doctor’s consultation room under conscious sedation so your body is numb, but you are able to talk to the doctor. You do, however, not remember anything about the operation. In some more intricate cases, the operation is done in a theatre with full anaesthetic. Read our Beginner’s Guide to liposuction here.
Liposuction is neither a substitute for weight reduction nor a cure for obesity or cellulite. It is not meant to replace good eating and exercise habits or to counter obesity. Instead, liposuction helps to remove unwanted fatty deposits in many areas of the body. Find out more about liposuction with Dr John Flynn at Cosmedic & Skin Clinic.
A consultation with Dr Flynn is the first step when considering Liposuction. You should frankly discuss your goals and expectations, and Dr Flynn will explain to you whether this operation is right for you. Surgical lipectomy, which involves removal of excess skin, as well as fat, may be advised instead, or in addition to Liposuction. You should always keep in mind that the desired result is improvement, not perfection.
Liposuction can be performed as a Day Case. Twilight sedation is used and the areas needing suction will be anaesthetised. You will be able to go home after the procedure, however you will not be able to drive so you should have some one available to take you home.
Bruising and swelling are common – the bruising usually subsiding in 3 weeks and the swelling in 6-8 weeks. Other complication such as infection and prominent scars are unusual. Slight irregularities such as grooving under the skin may occur and this may be accompanied by looseness of the skin – although the skin does usually contract over a period of time.
Returning to your normal activities is an individual matter. Your surgeon will advise you on your schedule, but most activities may be resumed within a few weeks. Many return to work after 1 week, and some even sooner. For more information about liposuction surgeon, contact Cosmedic & Skin Clinic and book a consultation with Dr Flynn.
Although Dr Flynn will make every effort to keep them as inconspicuous as possible, scars are the inevitable result of any surgery. Because of their small size (usually about 1 cm) scars are not usually significant after liposuction.
Fees vary depending on which area or combinations of areas are treated. Liposuction cost starts from $4950. Dr Flynn will discuss your exact cost during your initial consultation.