In Australia skin cancer contributes to 80% of total cancer diagnoses, making it the most common type of cancer.
Exposure to the sun is the highest cause of skin cancer, equating to 95-99%. Sun damage to your skin collects from the day you are born. At its worst, sun damage can result in skin cancer that requires surgery. For most people, sun damage is reflected in the fine lines, wrinkles and spots that accumulate as you age.
Although some skin cancers can be potentially fatal, effective treatments are available, including Photodynamic Therapy (PDT). PDT targets and treats sun damaged cells and skin cancers, including:
- Melanoma – blotchy and freckle-like in appearance
- Nodular Melanoma – may appear as a mole
- Basal Cell Cacinoma – dark skin-colour, scaly area or raised lump
- Squamous cell carcinoma– pink scaly area, appear crusty and prone to bleeding