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Breast Augmentation Before And Afters

Breast Augmentation by Dr John Flynn

For many women considering breast augmentation, the biggest concern is  “I want to look natural” or “I don’t want to be too big or too obvious”. Dr Flynn strives to achieve an end result as natural looking as possible while still giving an enhanced bust line.

As every woman’s physiology and presenting conditions are different, a skilled surgeon will choose from a range of procedural options to suit the patient and her desired outcome. At Cosmedic & Skin Clinic, breast augmentation surgery is customised based on each patients unique requirements and desired result.

Also known as: Breast implants, breast enlargement, breast enhancement, breast surgery, silicone implants, boob implants, boob job, breasts implants augmentation
Desired results: Patients desire breast implants to improve the size, shape and symmetry of their breasts.
Patients visit us from: Many patients travel to our Gold Coast clinic from all over Australia. However, we majority of Breast augmentation patient from the Gold Coast, Brisbane and Sunshine Coast area.

Breast augmentation procedure

The breast augmentation procedure involves the surgical placement of an implant in each breast to push the breast tissue forward. The procedure usually takes about 1—2 hours. An antibiotic is given to even further reduce the possibility of capsular contraction, which may be associated with infection.

Breast implant placement

The correct placement of the implant is fundamental to achieving optimal results, says Dr Flynn. There are generally three placement options:

Sub-pectoral (under the muscle)

With sub-pectoral placement, the implant is placed under the pectoral muscle to disguise its shape. This is particularly suited to patients who are thin and do not have a lot of breast tissue. Placing implants behind the pectoral muscle can also achieve a more natural-looking line to the breasts and can be ideal for patients who have loose skin to fill out more of the space. Some data suggest that subpectoral implants lead to a lower risk of capsular contracture formation. The pectoral muscle, however, can flatten implants, making them look smaller, feel tight or restrict mobility.

Sub-glandular (in front of the muscle)

This placement can help improve the shape and position of the breasts following breast augmentation. This is particularly important in women with mildly sagging breasts or tight, constricted breasts. Post-operative pain is considered to be less. However, sub-glandular placement has less natural tissue covering implants so the implant edges may become obvious.


A third placement option is sub-fascial. The fascia is a firm, fibrous layer that sits between the breast and the muscle. If implants are placed under the fascial layer in front of the pectoral muscle, more of the patient’s breast tissue can cover them, which helps to disguise the implants more effectively.

Breast implants and lift

In some cases augmentation surgery is accompanied by a mastopexy, or breast lift, which involves more scarring but may be needed to ensure an optimal outcome in patients with sagging breasts.

How safe is breast augmentation surgery?

As with any surgical procedure there are risks, limitations and potential complications. However, with the guidance and surgical expertise of a highly qualified and experience surgeon, breast augmentation is a relatively safe procedure.

Saline or silicone breast implants

There are advantages and disadvantages of both implant types. Both implants have an outer silicone shell although differ in material and consistency,

Silicone implants

Silicone implants are pre-filled with silicone gel—a firm consistency, which closely mimics the feel of breast tissue.

  • More natural, softer feel
  • Less chance of visible wrinkling or rippling
  • No risk of deflation

Saline implants

Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water. They're inserted empty, and then filled once they're in place.

  • Preferred option for women who want a "natural substance" in their body
  • Somewhat less risk of capsular contracture or fullness
  • Filled after insertion—smaller incision

Incision types

The location of the incisions will depend on the patient’s anatomy, breast condition as well as the surgeon’s recommendations. There are four possible incision sites:


The incision is made in the crease under the breast close to the inframammary fold. This is the most common incision site and allows the doctor to work with good visibility. The scar is hidden in the crease under the breast and is not normally visible when wearing a bikini top.


The incision is made across or around the bottom or outer edge of the areola. The periareolar incision allows the surgeon to work close to the breast. It is possible for the surgeon to easily and precisely place the breast implants in various positions in relation to the chest muscle. However, this is the only incision that involves cutting through breast tissue and ducts, and sensitivity in the nipple may be reduced.


The incision is made in the lower portion of the armpit, next to the chest. The greatest advantage of an underarm breast augmentation incision is that no scar is left on the breasts. The scar is virtually invisible in the armpit fold and lack of tension generally makes for straightforward healing.


Transumbilical or navel (TUBA) incision is made on the rim of the navel and can only be used for saline implants as the filling is added after the implants are placed.

Breast implant cost

As this procedure is tailored to each patient, the cost for may vary. The cost for breast surgery may vary based on your individual requirements and surgical desires. The exact cost for surgery will be provided during your initial consultation.

Breast Implants Gold Coast

If you would like to find out more about breast augmentation at Cosmedic & Skin Clinic contact us today!

Your Guide to

Breast Augmentation