Brow Lift Procedure
A brow lift procedure works to alleviate and reposition the soft tissue around the brow and eye area. Using modern techniques, Your doctor can achieve a more pleasing appearance.
- Elevates a low brow
- Achieve a higher brow position
- Minimises forehead creases and wrinkles
- Improves frown lines
- Reducing heaviness over the eyelid

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At a Glance
Brow Lift Procedure
Raise the position of the eyebrow and make the eyes look more open. Can be done using short scars (endoscopic) or traditional (coronal). Other variants possible (direct, temporal, hairline).
Brow Lift Time
The Brow lift is done as a day procedure under general anaesthetic or twilight sedation. The surgery generally takes around 1-2 hours.
Brow Lift Side Effects
Traditional method: Possible itching and hair loss. After the operation swelling and bruising are common and will take time to settle (7-10 days).
Brow Lift Risks
Injury to facial nerve, causing loss of motion, muscle weakness, or asymmetrical look. Infection. Broad or excessive scarring. To read more about surgical risks, please ‘click here’.
Brow Lift Recovery
Back to work: 7 to 10 days, usually sooner for endoscopic forehead lift. More strenuous activity: several weeks. Full recovery from bruising: 2 to 3 weeks. Limit sun exposure for several months.
How long the procedure lasts varies between individuals but you should get a number of years out of a brow lift. Patients will generally see results lasting around 5 to 10 years.
We strive to individualise treatments to suit each patient’s requirements.
Cosmetic Surgery Magazine
The Eye Opener
Brow Lift FAQs
How well the procedure lasts varies between individuals. Typically results will last between 5—10 years.
Surgical gauze will be placed over the closed incision and an elastic bandage may be wrapped over the area to reduce swelling for the first few days. Most patients can resume everyday activities within a week, although rigorous activity should be avoided for several weeks. Bruising and swelling typically subsides after 2—3 weeks. Numbness of the scalp is normal and should be expected. Returning to work in 1—2 weeks is advised.
The final result of a brow lift will become apparent at the 2-month mark post surgery. Remember also that results vary from patient to patient.
Brow lifts are not designed to remove all forehead wrinkles although they may reduce wrinkles. They are designed to reposition the eyebrow. To address other age-related concerns, a brow lift is often combined with a facelift or blepharoplasty to provide a harmonious rejuvenation.
New techniques in thread lifting have also been applied with some success in brow lifting.