We’re excited to announce an exclusive summer special priced at $550 where you’ll receive a CO2 fractional laser treatment with a free anti-wrinkle injectable.

Over the years your skin is damaged by both environmental (sun and pollution) and behavioral (stress, fatigue and smoking) factors which can keep you from looking your best.

These two treatments work holistically together and are a minimally invasive way to get you ready for summer.

CO2 Fractional Laser Treatment  

CO2 fractionated lasers use some of the most advanced micro laser restoration treatments and are typically ablative lasers used to treat skin flaws such as heavyset wrinkles, sun damage, acne scarring, melasma and skin pigmentation.

The treatment works by awakening the subsurface cells and repairing damaged skin by treating only a small fraction of skin at a time, leaving the area surrounded by unaffected and healthy tissue. A typical facial CO2 fractionated laser treatment can be completed from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

This ‘fractional’ treatment allows the skin to heal much faster than if the entire area were treated at once, using the body’s natural process to create healthy and tighter tissue to replace skin imperfections. The result is stimulation of new collagen that has revitalised itself naturally with minimal downtime and risks meaning your skin can return to its original beauty sooner.

Anti-Wrinkle Injectable Treatment

Anti-wrinkle injections are a popular facial rejuvenation treatment and are an effective non-invasive treatment for reducing lines and revitalising a youthful appearance.

The treatment works by blocking nerve stimulation to wrinkle-causing muscles, which prevents the muscle from contracting. These injections contain a muscle relaxant protein commonly used to treat crow’s feet around the eyes, the frown line between the eyebrows and the worry lines across the forehead.

As a result, anti-wrinkle injections significantly reduce wrinkles and fine lines and can help prevent the formation of new ones.

In the hands of a highly trained, knowledgeable professional, these treatments are a safe non-surgical way to dramatically improve your skin’s appearance. If you’re interested in booking this treatment before the end of the year, please give us a call on 5588 4777 or contact us online.